Parag Tandon has learned this well. And from the individual sphere, Parag has taken the spirit of volunteerism into the corporate arena, explaining that commercial entities like individuals can benefit from the motto “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” It is as simple as that.
This corporate volunteerism is what Parag terms as “social investment”, which generates goodwill, ultimately reflecting favourably on the bottom line. Several studies have shown that companies with an active sense of social responsibility figure in the list with the best financial figures. A targeted community approach takes this ‘social investment’ out of the charitable sphere into an area of true partnerships with beneficiaries, governments and various NGOs to bring about all-round, long-term and sustainable development. Beyond corporate social responsibility and ROI (Return on Investment) is Individual Social Responsibility and SROI (Social Return on Investement), where ROI translates to Results, Outcomes and Impact!
Parag has more than 18 years’ experience in helping corporations\organizations involved in community revitalization. This is done through concentrated social investment strategies and diversity planning.
Over the years, Parag has been:
- Founding expert panelist in the Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks (2010-current)
- National Committee Member at Run for Vaughan (2015-2019)
- General Secretary at Saccidananda Society Canada (2014-2019)
- Member of the Advisory Board at Hindi Abroad- Canada’s most read Hindi language publication (2013-2016)
- Webinar host on Reaching Diverse Communities (2013)
- Keynote at Ukrainian Canadian Congress Annual Symposium on CSR in April (2013)
- Judge at Assessing Diversity Value Index (2013)
- Chosen One of Six Canadian Diversity Thought Leaders on Twitter (2012)
- Keynote Speaker at the Annual JSW Conference hosted by COSTI and CIC (2011)
- Host and facilitator for Ryerson University’s Pilot Project on Diversity in Workplace (2011)
- Board Member of United Way of York Region (2009-2011)
- Member of the International AFP Diversity Committee (2009-2011)
- One of Canada’s Top 25 Immigrants (2010)
- Host of Diversity Luncheon at AFP Congress (2009)
- Co-Chair of Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Diversity Committee (2008-2010)
- Member of the South Asian Consultative Committee of Toronto Police Service (2006-2009)
- Secretary of the RCMP- Diversity Council (2007-2008)
- Volunteer at United Way Toronto events (2002-2008)
With a Master’s Degree in Business Management, combined with a dynamic approach to what he terms as “Strategic Philanthropy” Parag can guide management and staff in both the private and non-profit sector, especially in regulatory processes and outreach. He has shown proven leadership in spearheading, championing and directing multi-million dollar campaigns to help companies/organizations double and triple digit growth figures.
Parag can help with:
- Diversity audit, diversity frameworks and strategies
- Multi-cultural outreach and community engagement strategy
- Workplace integration action plan for Newcomers
- Organize workshops for staff around cultural sensitivity and understanding
- Create effective media campaigns – radio, print, TV
- Targeted Community outreach
- Ensure constituent loyalty
- Arrange for corporate- social profit partnerships
- Sponsorship assessments and negotiations
- Evaluate Social Return on Investment
It is a truism that consumers reward good corporate behaviour. Call Parag for a refreshing new take on how to turn your company/organization into a visionary one.